Wednesday 3 July: You spoke, We Heard. More Chops.

A real caravan at last, says Chops

Today the humans and I travelled from Balledonia to Coolgardie, stopping for a few sniffs along the way and a much-needed snack at Norseman. I had asked them to take a few shots of my typical day. 

First thing in the morning I move from my rather cramped bed to the much larger one the humans use. 

Then a little walk before breakfast, mine and theirs.  I must say, I think they need to improve their stopover choices. 

The humans tell me we travelled through the Great Western Woodlands, which is the largest remaining area of intact Mediterranean climate woodland on Earth. Covering almost 16 million hectares (about the size of England), this continuous band of native vegetation is a rich tapestry of woodlands, mallee and shrublands. It extends across an ancient landscape of broad, flat valleys and ridges that connect Australia's south-west corner to its inland deserts.

However, it is a bit hard to see much from the back seat and I must admit I do doze off occasionally. 

Well the holiday is not all about me, so I might leave it at that. If you have questions for me just put them in the Comments sections.


  1. Chops the trip is totally about you! Keep enjoying those pigs ears but avoid snakes pls

  2. Humans, great photos of Chops ❤️

    1. Me again, just looked at the map, my god you’ve really covered a lot of ground.

  3. Don’t be tempted to join the camels, chops!

  4. All that great adventuring does look tiring, Chops!!

  5. Are we there yet?

    1. Chops, I’ve got some news. It’s still a long way to go.

    2. Hi Chops . You are thus far the best narrator . I feel you convey the reality on the ground. No glossing over the harsh landscape . Sticking with the harsh realities of survival in a hostile landscape. With only a small caravan between you and the elements. I know you were not part of the decision making for this trip. The caucus decided. I admire your courageous endurance. Lyn

  6. Chops The Beagle4 July 2024 at 12:00

    Thank you to my all my fans. If you have any suggestions for the humans to make my trip even better, please let them know.

  7. Dear Chops . I hope the humans read all your comments and discuss your needs . You seem to need a lot of naps and extra treats. Lyn

  8. Oscar from next door5 July 2024 at 11:26

    Chops you are my hero - so brave and worldly x

    1. Chops The Beagle5 July 2024 at 14:41

      Thanks Oscar. Perhaps I can come with you next time your humans go camping.

  9. Beautiful pics of you Chops! Keep having fun! Xx


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