Tuesday 2 July: Under The Milky Way

Today we are on the lands of the Ngadgu people. 

Under the Eucla sky

We travelled further than we planned today, from Eucla to the Balledonia Roadhouse, around 500 km, but the A1 is straight and empty, making driving easy. Roadhouses are a feature of the Eyre Highway  - fuel, shop, basic motel and caravan park. A necessary part of the journey across the Nullabor, but best done in moderation (and as quickly as possible.)

Coolgardie tomorrow and a couple of days exploration of the goldfields. Caravan, car, Chops, Gayle, Jeffrey all travelling well so far.


  1. we need more chops photos!

  2. Great photos again! Are there many other travellers on the road?

    1. Hi Jenny,
      The road is pretty quiet except for road trains and caravans. The caravan parks are about a third full. People are friendly and we get useful travel tips and information. Chops is admired. The other day a woman gave him a pigs ear which kept him busy. The distances between places is huge. I do find the landscape very beautiful but also confronting.

  3. I think it would be confronting and awe inspiring, I know lots of people do it, but it’s a big thing isn’t it. Not for the faint hearted! Anyway you are stopping and taking it all in at your own pace which is great 😊


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