Monday 1 July: If You Can Read This We're Not Lost

Today we are at Eucla, Western Australia, on the lands of the Yinyila Nation of Mirning clans, which encompass the ancient coastal seabed of the Nullarbor Plain Ngargangooridri, the spectacular limestone Bunda Cliffs and the pristine waters of the Great Australian Bight.

 Just in case you are wondering where Eucla is.

And it has its own time zone.

The Eucla Caravan Park has been a very pleasant stay for us, with views from the caravan to the Great Australian Bight.

We took a walk to the Old Telegraph Station and the now derelict Eucla Jetty, becoming only slightly lost as it turned out.

Old Telegraph Station

Eucla Jetty

Not quite Mentone Beach

An Australian Ringneck Parrot (until someone advises otherwise)


  1. What no sign to Bendigo? Or Mentone??! Looking more remote and wild, safe onward journey intrepid travellers 😊

  2. Wow you’re in wa already only a hop, skip and jump to Broome

  3. I hope this means that you (the travellers ) are not lost .
    It’s rather ambiguous.


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