Monday 17 June: What is there to do in Wycheproof?

Here are two things.

1. Climb Mt Wycheproof.

Mt Wycheproof rises 43m above the surrounding plain, and is the smallest registered mountain in Australia. It is a crossroads for the Buller Buller Wycher people who travelled between local rivers and creeks. In Werragai Language the word Wycheproof means 'reed on a hill'.

Views from Mt Wycheproof

2. Stand on a train track.

The train line also runs down the middle of the Calder Highway here, but we were not lucky enough to see a train. We'll need to check the timetable.

Looking Down the Main Street

Our friend and travelling companion, Leigh, arrived this afternoon so our party is now complete!

And just a word about making a comment

You can choose to be anonymous, but you can also click on the drop down list and add your name (which would be nice).

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We're off to Red Cliffs tomorrow.


  1. Welcome Leigh! Safe travels for tomorrow

  2. Looks like Wycheproof gives Malaysia Garden a run for its money...if only the trains were actually running

  3. So far so good 👍


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