Wednesday 26June: Taking It Easy In Streaky

The weather being a bit problematic, we enjoyed taking our time around Streaky Bay today, chatting with locals and others travelling through, and looking at the wildlife and scenery. 

The absolute highlight was spotting some dolphins in the late afternoon, captured with great skill by Gayle.

We’ve got quite a few recommendations for travelling across the Nullarbor and places to watch for whales along the way.

We’re hoping to visit the seals and sea-lions tomorrow.


  1. Streaky Bay looks wild and beautiful, I have good memories of exploring the many walks around the bay

  2. WOW dolphins nice spot. Camp spot looks really nice! from will

    1. It’s a great spot. Long way from Mentone, unfortunately.

  3. i love dolphins from neve

    1. Dear Neve . I like them as well.Dolphins are really great and smart. Hope you get to see some. Lyn


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