Sun 23 June: Chops Nose His Wine

Today we are on the lands of the Ngadjurri people.

We had another lovely walk on The Reisling Trail, originally a railway line that traveled between Adelaide and Spalding and was first established in 1860. Its future was becoming uncertain in the 1980’s, and after it received substantial damage during the 1983 Ash Wednesday bushfire a decision was made to close the line down. Luckily for the many thousands of people who have  walked and cycled its 33 km, it was transformed into the drawcard it is today. 

A vineyard along the way

The Trail passes many vineyards and wineries for which the Clare Valley is famous and today we stopped for refreshments at O’Leary Walker Wines. Chops approved of the choice of Cheese Platter and Polish Hill River Reisling. 

A rail cutting from the old railway line 

Lots of birds again. We think this is a juvenile black shouldered kite, but we wait for the experts to respond. 


  1. Your hungry friend embarks in Clare, hovers over people’s snacks (5)

    1. ‘Embarks’ - very good!

  2. Did you walk the 33 kms ?
    Part thereof ? Lunch looks good.

    1. Just a small part of it. Chops was hungry.

  3. Good to know. That Chops is in charge. Lyn


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