Thursday 27 June: Sea-Lions At Last

Streaky Bay turned on its magic today - sunny, warm, no wind, still waters.

An early morning beach comber

Ducks take flight

An afternoon nap

And now the stars of the day, the sea-lions at Pt Labatt.

Found in no oth­er coun­try in the world, the Aus­tralian sea-lion is one of Aus­trali­a’s most endan­gered marine mam­mals and rarest seals.

Point Labatt is the only place on the main­land where Aus­tralian seal pups can be seen learn­ing to swim, play and rest on the beach. It is also one of the few places in and around Aus­tralia where they are pro­tect­ed from land preda­tors and which pro­vides a safe envi­ron­ment for the sea-lion pups to develop.

This will be hard to top - except perhaps if we spot whales along the Nullarbor coast. 

On our way back we walked around Murphy's Hay Stacks which are composed of pink granite 1500 million old, and were weathered and sculpted into their present form about 100,000 years ago and exposed on the surface of the land. It is amazing to be able to touch something this old. 


  1. OMG 😍😍😍😍😍

  2. Beautiful 😻 More pinch yourself moments

  3. Beautiful sea lions, wishing I was there! The granite ‘sculptures’ are pretty amazing too

  4. They are beautiful creatures!

  5. Lots of wildlife there! Sounds like a very full day.

  6. Beautiful photos


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