Saturday June 29: Straight Down Highway 1

A travelling day, taking us further west than we had been before by car. 

The scenery changed from agricultural land, to mallee vegetation to suddenly, a treeless plain. 

We’re spending the night at the Nullarbor Roadhouse, which we’ve been told is typical of the roadhouses on the isolated sections of the highway - fuel, cafe, motel and caravan accommodation. This one is popular with travellers visiting the Head of Bight whale viewing centre a few kilometres away, and where we will go tomorrow. 

What is striking to us are the huge distances. We have travelled about 2200 km and in some ways just started to leave familiar landscapes. 

As if to emphasise that things are big here an enormous machine pulled by two trucks hitched together and escorted by two police cars pulled in for the evening,

Perhaps we will spot whales and all manner of animals tomorrow. 


  1. I wrote a comment last night but clearly didn’t press send! Looks fantastic, still cold by the rugged up look there. Watch out for camels crossing!


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