Saturday 22 June: On The Road To Clare(ity)

A discussion while driving to the Clare Valley. Should we remain engaged with current events in Australia and the world on this three month journey? Should it, does it, make a difference where we are? There’s no difficulty connecting to the web out here. More broadly, what impact do we have on these events? We’ll let you know if we come to an answer.

The road to Leasingham from Barmera goes through a variety of landscapes, with some of it a taster for the Nullabor and beyond. Some people find the red, dry landscape rather dull, but we find it has its own beauty.

Gayle spotted this lovely bird at Morgan. Can any of our lovely readers identify it?

At Leasingham we got straight to business, heading along the Reisling Cycle and Walking Trail to Crabtree Winery.

We purchased some wine and to our delight, the owner, whom we had met last time we were here, gave us two half-started bottles of Grenache Shiraz and Tempranillo from the day’s tastings to have with our dinner!


  1. Could it be a Apostle Bird ? Sorry not from bird knowledge but just had a little Google. I am trying to follow your route on my atlas by looking for the nearest Big Town but you look as though you are in the middle of wonderful land . How overwhelming and magnificent it must be. Cheers - just had a nice glass of Merlot (Chile) after having a day in London at the Restore Nature Now march.

    1. Good on you Sheila. Hope a few turned up for the march. I’m hoping our bird man Danny will help us with the bird identification too x

  2. So good to hear all is well again.
    It sll sounds great.

  3. Good to hear you are enjoying the scenery and the wine. I’ll be interested to hear the outcome of your world news question. Maybe you could become informed weekly or fortnigtly? I must say I feel like ducking for cover from it all atm. We visited John and Michelle in Emerald on a sunny day 💕

  4. Good one Mum - Merryl also thinks Apostlebird. Better than my guess of 'black pigeon'


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