Monday 24 June: Love Is In The Eyre

Today we are on the lands of The Barngarla, the traditional owners of much of the Eyre Peninsula, spending the night at Kimba. 

On Highway A1 we passed a variety of  scenes. The Eyre Peninsula is semi-arid but wheat and wool are also grown. 

Wind and solar farm at the head of Spencer Gulf

Kimba claims to be half-way across Australia, and as if this were not a sufficient honour, it is also home to the Big Galah (finally, a bird we can confidently identify) and Silo Art. 


  1. Lyn Bender. What’s the temp and weather like? Very cold iMellbourne mornings.

  2. Am I the only one reading / responding to this blog ?Posts are rather hmm

  3. I would like to speak to the head of the expedition ; Chops
    Hey Chops what’s it like sharing your living /sleeping place with your staff?
    Are you having fun? What’s the food like? Any pics of the locals? Any good dog friendly cafes?

  4. I really liked Kimba when we were there in 2021, we did a lovely bush walk not far from the footy grounds where you can camp overnight in your caravan. Pub was good, busy and friendly. Great silo art.. quirky heritage village nearby run by locals. Happy and safe leg to Streaky Bay and the pelicans. Jenny xxx

  5. Just worked out how to add my name!👍

  6. Love the art!

  7. Hope Chops got to meet the big galah!


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