Friday 28 June: Not Every Day Is A Beach Day

 (As Jeffrey’s mother used to say)

The weather turned 180 degrees. Cold, windy and wet. But we still went for some walks along the beach paths. 

Galahs living on the edge

Spot the honeyeater

After all that excitement, we returned to our cosy caravan, turned on the heater and ate delicious local pasties, followed by an afternoon nap and some art. 

Tomorrow we’re having pancakes for breakfast courtesy of the caravan park before we travel 400km to Nullarbor Road House and the possibility of spotting whales!


  1. Honey eater spotted! Sounds like a great day, a walk, birds, tea, pasties, art and Chops on your lap - what more is there?

  2. Edging closer to the big sandpit

  3. Love the cosiness and Chops looks very restful like the seals yesterday


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